Visual identity and illustration for rescue


Photograph by Thermosaver

Thermosaver is a company that was established in 2019 to develop the next generation hypothermia bag – a rescue bag for hypothermic and injured patients.

Thermosaver’s vision is to save lives by offering the world's best rescue equipment for people who are hypothermic. Its first product is the Thermosaver hypothermic rescue bag.

I contributed to this project by designing Thermosaver’s visual identity and drawing self-explanatory instructional illustrations.

The thermosaver logo in black with the tagline "Hypothermic Rescue Bag".

Thermosaver’s visual identity is inspired by the idea of protection, insulation, rescue, and layers. Like a shield or an orange peel.

Visual identity

The visual logo is divided into two: “Thermo” to illustrate warmth and the core, and “Saver” to illustrate protection and the layer around the person inside. The typography is clear and simple in its form.

Business cards for Thermosaver, showing variations with a yellow background, green lines and black logo.

Business cards for Thermosaver.

A yellow light jacket with thermosaver logo and lines.

A light winter jacket for Thermosaver.

A sketch of thermosaver hypothermic, bag front and back view, with logo and colour testing.

Sketches to show how to use the visual identity and colour coordination to improve user-friendliness.

The colour palette uses strong neon colours for high visibility in emergency rescue situations. It stands out from its competitors thanks to its modern and intuitive branding. Green and yellow are the main brand colours and they are associated with health and help. The colours can also be used to make the product more user-friendly, and highly visible while stored in emergency vehicles.

The graphic elements are lines that reflect security, authority, emergency, and rescue. Similar lines are seen on ambulance and police vehicles.

Two pages from the design manual for Thermosaver – click on the images to see them close up (text in Norwegian).

Technical illustrations for professional users that show all the necessary information on how to use the product. The illustrations are simple, clear, and self-explanatory (without the need for text).


Illustrations showing the steps for using a thermosaver hypothermic bag, from it being folded to wrapped around a person, including placement of two heating pads (on the shoulders and the upper body).

Illustrations showing the steps for using a Thermosaver hypothermic bag, from it being folded to wrapped around a person, including the placement of two heating pads (on the shoulders and the upper body).

Illustration of a sheet with drawing instructions on how to use it.

Illustration of a sheet used inside the bag with instructions on how to wrap it around a person.

A drawing of a heating pad for the shoulders, with logo and complementary information.
A drawing of a heating pad for the hands, with logo and complementary information.

Illustration of a heating pad for the shoulders.

Illustration of a heating pad for the hands.

A drawing of a heating pad for the upper body, with logo and complementary information.
Illustrations on how to use the heating pads, on three steps. How to activate, use and after use.

Illustration of a heating pad for the upper body.

Illustrations of how to use the heating pads in three steps (1) how to activate, 2) use, and 3) after use).

I designed the visual identity of Thermosaver together with Elise Kaspartu (project manager), Brita Bergsnov-Hansen (project manager & designer) and Nils Stevense (designer intern) from Miksmaster Creative.

The Thermosaver hypodermic bag won a “DOGA Award for Design and Architecture in 2023.

The jury wrote:

In Norwegian: «Den har et tydelig og godt designuttrykk som gir oss en intuitiv brukeropplevelse. Selv om Thermosaver primært er ment for trent personell, er det en kjempefordel at den er designet slik at alle kan klare å bruke den»

English translation: “It has a clear and good design expression that gives us an intuitive user experience. Although Thermosaver is primarily intended for trained personnel, it is a huge advantage that it is designed so that anyone can manage to use it”

Learn more about the award (in Norwegian): ↪︎

Find out more about Thermosaver here ↪︎

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